Growing up, my Mexican heritage was a part of myself that I took for granted and spent little to no time appreciating. I struggled with outsiders telling me who I was. I was “white-washed” for how I spoke. I was “not a real Mexican” because of my habits and interests. I didn’t “look Mexican” because of how I dressed and my physical appearance. I felt like I didn’t know where I belonged. I felt like I was punished for not fitting a stereotype. A stereotype designed to make an entire peoples one dimensional and remove the complexities of their stories and experiences.
Identity is something that I continue to struggle with, but I find strength in discovering mine. I find confidence in knowing that I am not alone in my experiences. Encuentro orgullo en mi cultura. For me, my art is a way to explore the person I am and not the person others expect me to be.
My work explores topics around culture, identity and equality. It is important to me that my work inspires others, and shows people that there is strength and beauty in their roots regardless of what outsiders may have them believe.
I find myself constantly being inspired by other people's journeys of self-realization and the roles that culture plays on identity.